National History

In 1893, ten young women at Lombard College in Galesburg, Illinois, shared a vision and a dream of a national organization dedicated to the personal growth of women. Their dream became Alpha Xi Delta, one of the oldest women’s fraternities in the United States.

The timeless ideals envisioned by Alpha Xi Delta’s Founders remain constant throughout the years, inspiring pride in each member to pursue individual excellence. Now a national fraternity with more than 150,000 initiated members, our Fraternity is a progressive organization with college chapters and alumnae associations throughout the United States.

Alpha Xi Delta is proud of its rich history and lasting impact on its members and the Panhellenic community. In fact, Alpha Xi Delta’s first National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) Chairman wrote the Panhellenic Creed, which all members of NPC still recite on college campuses today.

Alpha Xi Delta’s Founders left us a great legacy. They taught us the value of education because it frees us to achieve our goals and gives us the power to be whatever we choose. They taught us to support one another through shared experiences and understanding. They taught us to serve others and reach out to better the lives of those less fortunate. Because of them, Alpha Xi Delta continues to inspire countless bold and talented women to realize their potential.

Since Alpha Xi Delta’s founding over 119 years ago, we continue to enrich the lives of women throughout the world by emphasizing the ideals our Founders instilled in our Fraternity: sisterhood, leadership, knowledge and service to our communities. We fully embrace these ideals and the opportunity to bring them to college women.

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Chapter History

The Theta Phi Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta was installed on UAB’s campus on January 25, 1997. Since then, we have created traditions that will last through the coming years. We have our annual philanthropy events, Get Lost with Alpha Xi and Baked Xiti. These are times when chapter members and alumnae, along with the campus and community, come together to raise money for Autism Speaks.

We have biweekly sisterhood events to spend quality time with our sisters. We also have a chapter Christmas Party every year where we get together and play dirty santa and enjoy the coming holidays with our sisters.

Every year on April 17th we celebrate Founder’s Day, the day that ten young women started Alpha Xi Delta at Lombard College in Galesburg, Illinois. All of the chapters in Alabama visit Birmingham to celebrate the history of Alpha Xi Delta. We start our Founder’s Day Ceremony and end with a reception, which is a time to visit with current chapter members and alumnae.

These are the things that make our chapter special. These are the times of our lives.

National Philanthropy

Alpha Xi Delta’s Partnership with Autism Speaks

Alpha Xi Delta proudly supports Autism Speaks.  The world’s largest autism advocacy organization, Autism Speaks is dedicated to increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders, to funding research into the causes, prevention and treatments for autism, and to advocating for the needs of individuals with autism and their families.

Alpha Xi Delta college chapters and alumnae associations across the country are committed to raising autism awareness in their communities and fundraising in support of Autism Speaks.  In particular, our chapters and associations work to support Autism Speaks’ signature fundraising and awareness event, Walk Now for Autism.  With one in 68 children diagnosed with autism and no known cure, Alpha Xi Deltas are committed to improving the lives of children and families affected by autism.

Click here to learn more about Autism Speaks

What is autism?

Autism is a complex brain disorder that inhibits a person’s ability to communicate and develop social relationships, and is often accompanied by behavioral challenges. Autism spectrum disorders are diagnosed in one in 68 children in the United States, affecting four times as many boys as girls. The prevalence of autism has increased tenfold in the last decade. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have called autism a national public health crisis whose cause and cure remain unknown.

Did you know? 

– Autism spectrum disorders are characterized, in varying degrees, by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors
– Autism is the fastest-growing serious developmental disability in the U.S.
– According to the Centers for Disease Control, autism affects 1 in 68 children and 1 in 42 boys.
– Autism is estimated to affect more than 3 million individuals in the U.S. and tens of millions worldwide.
– Despite these statistics, autism research remains severely underfunded.
– Autism costs a family $60,000 a year on average.

Chapter Philanthropy

Autism Speaks

The Theta Phi Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta is excited to bring Autism Speaks to the UAB community. The world’s largest autism advocacy organization, Autism Speaks is dedicated to increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders, to funding research into the causes, prevention and treatments for autism, and to advocating for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. With 1 in 68 children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder and no known cure, Alpha Xi Delta is committed to improving the lives of children and families affected by autism. We hope our fundraising and awareness efforts can help put one more piece of the autism puzzle in place. Alpha Xi Delta began partnering with Autism Speaks in 2009, and in 2014, Alpha Xi Delta became an official sponsor for Autism Speaks. Theta Phi has helped Alpha Xi Delta raise over $2,000,000 and provided hundreds of service hours. Our sisters love taking part in all of our event including Baked Xiti, Flavor Run, Light it up Blue, and Get Lost with Alpha Xi Delta! Additionally, sisters love taking opportunities to volunteer with other sisters. Our chapter frequently volunteers at Mitchell’s place, a center for individuals with Autism Spectrum disorders. We also enjoy volunteering with other off campus organizations, as well as participating in UAB Service Day events such as ‘Into the Streets’ in which our campus community is able to go to various sites and all serve the community on one day. Service and Philanthropy will always remain at the heart of Alpha Xi Delta!

Baked Xiti

Every fall, we were able to host our inaugural Baked Xiti event before our flavor run. This event helps raise both funds and awareness for Autism Speaks as well as promote the awareness of and participation in our flavor run shortly after. We invite families from Mitchell’s Place, as well as people from both on and off campus to enjoy a great meal!

Flavor Run

Our major philanthropy event in the fall consists of our chapter and our local Autism Speaks community partnering to support the flavor run which is able to get both our campus community and local community involved in our efforts to help Autism Speaks raise both awareness and funding to support our joint cause. Last year, our chapter was able to raise nearly $21,000 in support of Autism Speaks at this event.

Light it up Blue

In support of World Autism Awareness month (April) and in particular, World Autism Awareness day, Theta Phi joins our fellow sisters across the country, and individuals around the world in ‘lighting it up blue’ to raise awareness of how widespread the effects of the autism spectrum are, and the daily toll that these effects take on both the individuals affected and their families. We play music on our campus green all day and set up an information tent for those who would like some detailed information on the autism spectrum. At the end of the day, various locations that we ‘lit up blue’ will turn on their blue light bulbs to show an even broader support and awareness of the widespread effects of the autism spectrum.

Get Lost with Alpha Xi Delta

Our major philanthropy event in the spring is Get Lost with Alpha Xi Delta! This event brings UAB students and faculty to help raise money and awareness for Autism Speaks.


Realize Your Potential. Alpha Xi Delta members across the country are called to action by our vision, and you can be too. Your Alpha Xi Delta Sisters will welcome you, support you and encourage you to be your best in every way.

During college, Alpha Xi Delta will be your home away from home and provide you with the inspiration you need to excel. Our Sisterhood will help you explore your strengths and expand your horizons while enabling you to serve your community, learn life lessons not taught in the classroom, enjoy social events and build genuine, life-long friendships.

After graduation, you can rely on your Alpha Xi Delta affiliation with bold and talented women to help you transition into the “real world” – start your career start your family, start another chapter in your life!

Alpha Xi Delta is inspiration. Find out how we will inspire you!

Realize Your Potential. Alpha Xi Delta members across the country are called to action by our vision, and you can be too. Your Alpha Xi Delta Sisters will welcome you, support you and encourage you to be your best in every way.

During college, Alpha Xi Delta will be your home away from home and provide you with the inspiration you need to excel. Our Sisterhood will help you explore your strengths and expand your horizons while enabling you to serve your community, learn life lessons not taught in the classroom, enjoy social events and build genuine, life-long friendships.

After graduation, you can rely on your Alpha Xi Delta affiliation with bold and talented women to help you transition into the “real world” – start your career, start your family, start another chapter in your life!

Alpha Xi Delta is inspiration. Find out how we will inspire you!

Theta Phi Chapter

CTRT 190 1720 2nd Ave S.
Birmingham, AL 35294